Letters From Prison


Dear Rev. Young, Hello! I hope and pray that this letter finds you and your family doing well. I’m getting out of prison after 25 years, and I’m asking you to please pray for me. I’ve got nobody to help me out. Please say a prayer that God will let someone have a heart to help me please. I need all the prayers I can get. I just got through reading the book of John, and I’m reading my Bible daily. I pray daily, and I just hope Jesus hears me. I’m real scared right now because of the unknown, and I don’t have anything for sure of in the way of help when I get out. Thank you for leading me to the Lord and giving my life to Him. I know I can’t do anything without Him. When I get out I would love to work with kids and share what I went through these last 25 years. Maybe they won’t end up in prison like I did. Thank you for being such a big part of my life and for helping me live for Jesus. In God’s Love - Darrel


Dear Rev. Young, I hope you are well and doing fine. As for me, I’m well and doing time. It’s easy with Jesus on my mind. I’m in Theology College sponsored by The Foundation Bible Institute. I’m working towards an associate degree in theology. My intentions are to work for God in the prison ministry upon my release. For God is the only one who has hung in there with me. My family members forgot about me, but God never let me down. Anthony – Mayo Correctional Institution


Pastor Young, It is with great joy that I write this letter to you. I am honored to have you as an inspiration in my life as well as a spiritual advisor. I felt led to write and let you know how much the ministry you’re involved in has blessed my life. Your last message blessed me to the point I will never forget it. You spoke on being, “Locked up but not locked out.” I do believe that was the most powerful message I have heard you speak. I thank you for your relationship and commitment unto God. I thank you for the ministry you’ve allowed God to birth through you. I thank you for your faithfulness unto us as inmates. I thank you for your love. Most of all I thank you for your transparency, frankness, and realness. Be blessed my brother, Corey


Rev. Young, I can’t express to you how great it was to receive your letter. My family in San Salvador have all passed away, so letters received are cherished. As you know being inside is very lonely. I know you understand. But I am not alone; I have Christ to help me get through this time. He is my Rock. Also having people like you helps me a lot. My friend who knows you from Kairos is helping me write this letter. I have a small problem with writing as my eyesight is failing me. God has led him to me to help with my letters. Thank you again and my God bless you. Your Brother in Christ - Jose


Dear Reverend Young, Greetings in the name of our Lord, Christ Jesus. I am so looking forward to growing in my spiritual walk under your tutelage. Thank you for giving me a chance to serve the Lord with you. God opened so many doors for with other ministries; there were so many doors open I was confused on which one the Lord wanted me to enter. From the first time I attended a M.I.N.D. for Jesus service (nearly 6 years ago), I knew I wanted you as my pastor and mentor. I prayed, fasted, and meditated on this desire of my heart on countless occasions. Praise God! You came and told me you had a work for me to do at Lazarus House! It was an answer to my prayers. I am so glad I waited on the Lord to reveal where He would have me go. On countless times I was tempted to make a commitment to one of the other ministries. Praise God for not allowing me to move before He had prepared the way for me. Thank you for seeing that something that Christ put there. God promised me many things in His Word, and He has not failed in His faithfulness toward me. I’m reminded of the scripture I hold on to each and every day: 11For I know the thoughts that I think toward you, saith the LORD, thoughts of peace, and not of evil, to give you an expected end. 12Then shall ye call upon me, and ye shall go and pray unto me, and I will hearken unto you. 13And ye shall seek me, and find me, when ye shall search for me with all your heart.Jeremiah 29:11-13Before I gave my life to Jesus I had no hope, no future. The only expected end that I had was an assured place in hell. But by the grace of God who loved me despite myself, while yet in sin, He turned my life completely around. Every promise that He has made to me according to His Word has come to pass in my life. Now it is my responsible service to be obedient to His Word. I’m always thanking Him for you and for M.I.N.D. for Jesus. He has blessed me to sit under a man after His very own heart. I’m honored to be a brother and friend of yours. God bless you in every area of your life, and may He guide, lead, and protect your household always. In His Love, Lazarus House